Nowhere to Run - Chapter 3

The area was getting more residential now, with fences and tree-lined streets.  They ran along the backs of houses and every once in a while Michael stopped and peeked into a few windows.  Finally he pulled her behind some bushes against one of the houses and pushed her down on to her knees.
     “Wait here.” He ordered, pinning her with his fierce glare. “Don’t move.” Then he disappeared.
     Gratefully, Evie sunk to the ground.  Her legs almost collapsing under her.  She leaned her head back against the warm brick and let her eyes drift shut.  She needed rest. The position of the sun told her it was late afternoon and they had been on the run since early this morning. She didn’t care where Michael Connors went and hoped he abandoned her.  Then she would go straight to the police and tell them this awful story and let them sort it out.  She hoped they would catch Michael Connors, too.  She wasn’t sure how, but this was all his fault, all the bad men and guns.  They were here because of something he had done and now he dragged her into it, too.
     “Come on, I found us a place to crash.”
      Michael appeared at her side, coming up so silently that when he touched her shoulder, Evie almost jumped out of her skin.
“Come on.” He tugged on her hand, pulling her to her feet. “Up you go.”
Too exhausted to argue, she let him pull her to her feet and lead her out of the bushes. She was too tired to fight him anymore.
     The place Michael found for them was an empty house.  It looked like it hadn’t been empty long.  The floors were swept clean and there was minimal dust on the counters.  There was no furniture, but the rug in the living room looked so thick and plush that Evie wanted to curl up and sleep.  Just to get off her feet, put her head down for a minute and rest. She dropped to her knees in the corner and was all prepared to get comfortable when Michael spoke up.
     “Not there. If you want to lie down go upstairs.  Out of sight of the windows.”
     “I’m too tired.” Evie whined, wincing at how childish she sounded.
     “Too bad. Anyone can look in and see you. Go upstairs to nap. Stay away from the windows and don’t try the lights.” The conviction in his voice brooked no objection. It was obvious he expected her to follow orders. 
     Having no argument left in her, Evie got up and headed for the stairs. She just wanted to rest her weary body. Everything hurt, her legs, her back and even her head was beginning to ache. Michael followed, stepping in front of her at the top of the stairs and cautiously checking each room and closet before he waved her into the master bedroom.
     Then she was alone.  Just like that. He left her alone. Went out the door, closing it softly behind him.  Her brain was so fogged with fatigue it was hard to concentrate. Just trying to weigh the risk was too taxing to think about. Could she get away now? Go to the police or the FBI or someone who could help. But if she believed Michael, then there wasn’t anyone she could trust. But the most horrible part was that Evie didn’t know if she could trust him either.
     Rubbing her temples, she closed her eyes, fighting off the headache that had been plaguing her for the last hour. She was so very tired she couldn’t think straight.  Her back felt like it was tied up in knots and her legs were like stone. It had taken all her effort to lift them up just enough to climb the stairs. 
Maybe, Evie thought, if I just look out a window, check out the street before going out, then I won’t run into any of those men with guns.
“Stay away from the windows,” he had warned and Evie wondered if it was really that dangerous. Should she take the chance?
Then she looked at the rug. It was even more plush then the one downstairs. The marks from the vacuum still streaked the surface.  Evie sank down onto the carpet, melting into its softness.
I’ll just lie down for a few minutes, she thought, I could catch my second breath, then I’ll be able to think.
Forgetting about the window, Michael Connors, and the strange men following them, Evie sank down onto the carpet, melted into the rich pile.  She stretched out. It was even softer than she had imagined.
“I’ll close my eyes for a bit. Just for a second....”

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